Structure and Definition of Domain Model
The object relational bridge uses an Object Definition in form of a XML file. This Object Definition maps the fields of a table in the relational database (RDB) with the attributes of the domain model.
The Document Type Definition (DTD) of the Object Definition XML has the following form:
<!ELEMENT objectDef (keyDefs, propertyDefs)> <!ATTLIST objectDef objectName CDATA #REQUIRED parent CDATA #REQUIRED version CDATA #REQUIRED baseDir CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT keyDefs (keyDef)> <!ELEMENT keyDef (keyItemDef+)> <!ELEMENT keyItemDef EMPTY> <!ATTLIST keyItemDef seq (0 | 1) #REQUIRED keyPropertyName IDREF #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT propertyDefs (propertyDef+)> <!ELEMENT propertyDef (mappingDef)> <!ATTLIST propertyDef propertyName ID #REQUIRED valueType (Number | String | Date | Timestamp) #REQUIRED propertyType (simple | composite | objectRef) #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT mappingDef EMPTY> <!ATTLIST mappingDef tableName CDATA #IMPLIED columnName CDATA #REQUIRED >
See the document Domainobject and Metamodel
framework for more information.