VIF Partlets
VIF Partlets are components (i.e. OSGi bundles) that plug into the VIF menu and provide self-contained functionality. The whole VIF application is made up of partlets (and of extendible menus).
Because VIF is based on Ripla (Rich Web Applications Platform), you can extend VIF using the Ripla extension mechanisms. See Create Use Case Bundle for detailed instructions.
Most of the menus are fully controlled by the componentes that specify them. However, the menu 'User settings' in the forum part as well as the menu 'Administration' in the admin part are implemented as extendible menus. Thus, you can provide your own menu items and associated tasks by providing you own extensions to these menus.
Note: The Extendible Menu ID for 'User settings' is userSettingsMenu, for ID for 'Administration' is adminMenu.
See the Ripla Extendible Menu Service for more information how to extend a web application's menu.